Monday 8 February 2016

Grandparents Day

Last Wednesday the 3rd February it was Grandparents day in our school. On Monday we wrote our own invitations to our grandparents inviting them to come visit our class on Wednesday after lunch. We had great fun writing these and teacher was very impressed with our handwriting!

Before our grandparents came in teacher helped us come up with questions that we could ask our grannies and granddads when they were in our class.

After lunch on Wednesday we were all so excited to see all the grandparents in our class. We asked them questions about when they went to school. They told us that they never had laptops in their classrooms and they used a blackboard and chalk instead of our whiteboard. After they had finished answering all our interesting questions they read us some lovely stories in our groups. We all had such a lovely time and teacher would like to thank all the grandparents that gave up their free time to come visit us in Room 6.

Here are some pictures of the grandparents reading us stories.

Hot and Cold

Last week in Room 6 we were learning all about objects that are hot and cold. We started off this lesson by brainstorming objects that were hot and cold in our groups. The boys and girls came with so many good ideas for hot and cold.

Here are some pictures of us sorting objects in to hot and cold. Teacher printed out some pictures for us and we had to decide as a class whether the object was hot or whether it was cold. If it was hot we put it in the red hoop, and if it was cold we put it in the green hoop.